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Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

April 26, 2024


Traditionally trained doctors don’t know what to make of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Many will tell you this autoimmune disease is genetic. It isn’t.

All of them will say its effects are irreversible. That’s not true either.

Sadly, most doctors still don’t understand the link between autoimmune diseases like RA and our toxic Western diet.1

The common thread between all autoimmune diseases is inflammation.

Today, almost all people on the planet are inflamed thanks to a modern diet that includes inflammation-friendly ingredients like refined sugars, grains, and processed carbohydrates.

And now, there is proof that these toxic foods are inflaming your joints by damaging your gums.

Let me explain…

Recent research from the Netherlands connected the early stages of RA with high levels of two different kinds of oral bacteria – Prevotella and Veillonella.

These pro-inflammatory bacteria are the prime culprits that cause gum disease and tooth decay.2,3

You see, changes in your mouth’s microbiome have a profound effect on the microbial makeup of your gut.

As you know, 80% of your immune system lives in your gut.

These changes in the oral microbiome trigger your gut microbiome to launch an inflammatory immune response by forming protein antibodies.

These antibodies attack the bones and joints of RA patients.

Big Pharma’s solution is to treat you with immunosuppressive such as Humira, Remicade, and Enbrel.

These “biologics” work by weakening your immune system. This greatly increases your risk of developing serious infections like pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and the flu.

You’re also likely to get a prescription for corticosteroids.

But these anti-inflammatories also come with a long list of side effects. This includes a significantly higher risk of blood clots, bone fractures, cartilage loss, nerve damage, and osteoporosis.4,5

At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, we don’t prescribe these drugs. I don’t believe in attacking your immune system even further.

Instead, I help my patients heal inflammation with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).

Fight RA With Oxygen Therapy

HBOT is simply breathing in 100% oxygen under higher pressure than we normally do. And it works by healing inflammation.

Let me explain…

When your immune system functions properly, inflammation is your body’s response to injuries and infections. Normally, your immune response is quick and your body goes back to normal. But, with autoimmune diseases, the inflammation never goes away. It becomes the new normal.

These inflamed areas block the flow of oxygen. That slows down the healing process.

However, HBOT saturates your body’s fluids and tissues with oxygen. It floods your cells with it.

The high pressure in the HBOT chamber also stimulates the growth of new capillaries to restore circulation.

That’s just what you need to fight an autoimmune disease like RA.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, 10 RA patients received 30 HBOT treatments over a period of six to 10 weeks.

Follow-up tests at the 3- and 6-month period confirmed considerably less severity of symptoms, lower C-reactive protein (a marker for inflammation), and a “significant decrease in pain.”6

A second study determined that HBOT therapy in RA patients resulted in “decreased joint pain, increased activity level, improvement in sleeping patterns and possibly a decreased need for standard rheumatologic medications, effectively reducing or avoiding the effects of immunosuppression [drugs].” 7

I’ve successfully used HBOT therapy at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine for years.

3 Steps To Protect Against RA

To further protect yourself against RA, here’s what I recommend:

  1. Start with good oral hygiene. Brush twice a day for 3-4 minutes. Floss regularly — and be sure to remove plaque that accumulates at the gumline. Visit your dentist twice a year for deep cleanings — more if you have gum disease.

  2. Then, supplement with CoQ10. I noticed years ago that gum problems vanished when my patients took ubiquinol CoQ10. One study found that 50 to 75 mg daily of CoQ10 stopped gum disease in its tracks within days.8

  3. Finally, add Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). This unique form of vitamin B3 is important because it converts to NAD, a compound in your cells that provides a natural defense against almost every autoimmune disease – including RA. Studies show it regulates your body’s immune response and turns “destructive” cells into “protective” cells – while at the same time restoring damaged tissue caused by the disease.9

    I suggest supplementing with 500 mg to 1,000 mg of NR daily, preferably before breakfast.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


  1. Rashid T, et al. “The link between ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease, Klebsiella, and starch consumption.” Clin Dev Immunol. 2013; 2013: 872632.
  2. Kroese JM, et al. “Differences in the oral microbiome in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis and individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis compared to healthy individuals.” Arthritis Rheumatol. 2021 Nov;73(11):1986-1993.
  3. Kronzer VL and Davis JM. “Etiologies of rheumatoid arthritis: update on mucosal, genetic, and cellular pathogenesis.” Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2021 Mar 1;23(4):21.
  4. Waljee AK, et al. “Short term use of oral corticosteroids and related harms among adults in the United States: population-based cohort study.” BMJ 2017; 357:j1415
  5. Kompel A, et al. “Intra-articular corticosteroid injections in the hip and knee: perhaps not as safe as we thought?” Radiology. 2019 Dec;293(3):656-663.
  6. Sit M, et al. ““The effects of hyperbaric oxygen on rheumatoid arthritis: a pilot study.” J Clin Rheumatol. 2021 Dec 1;27(8):e462-e468.
  7. Slade J, et al. “Pain improvement in rheumatoid arthritis with hyperbaric oxygen: report of three cases.” Undersea Hyperb Med. 2016 Jul-Aug;43(4):467-472.
  8. Prakash S, et al. Role of coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant and bioenergizer in periodontal diseases. Indian J Pharmacol. 2010;42(6), 334–337.
  9. Tullius SG, et al. “NAD protects against EAE by regulating CD4 T-cell differentiation.” Nat Commun. 2014;5: 5101.  Preferences | Unsubscribe

11905 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, Florida 33411, United States