Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

March 14, 2018

Cancer’s Achilles Heel

Every type of cancer has this fatal flaw. Exploiting it kills cancer cells and rebuilds your immune system —
without poisonous chemotherapy or radiation.

This report could save your life…
or the life of someone you love


Cancer can be cured by attacking its Achilles’ heel.

Every single type of cancer has it: A weak “back door” that we can strike without poisoning your entire body.

Research from institutions like Duke, Yale, Harvard, Baylor — and countless more — prove it. Yet this Achilles’ heel has been almost completely ignored by the cancer industry for decades.

For more than 70 years, we’ve been told the only way to stop cancer is to wage an all-out war. That cancer cells can only be killed with toxic chemotherapy and burning radiation. Even while these so-called ‘therapies’ are proven to damage your brain, heart, lungs, intestines, eyes, and even your peripheral nerves. 1

But treatments that attack cancer’s Achilles’ heel end this assault on your body. Because these methods use a natural element that every cell needs to survive. Every cell that is… except cancer.

For cancer cells, this element is deadly. You could call it cancer’s ‘Kryptonite.’

But for your immune system, it’s a natural recharge. This means you grow healthier with Achilles’ heel treatments… instead of sicker and weaker.

When it comes to cancer’s Achilles’ heel, I’ve felt like a lone voice in the wilderness. No one in the cancer industry seems to listen… or to care.

That’s why I was stunned to read this statement from a famous cancer researcher. After studying cancer for more than 60 years… he now says cancer “should be killed the right way” by attacking its Achilles’ heel. 2

Why am I shocked?

Because this researcher is none other than Dr. James Watson. In 1953, Dr. Watson, along with Francis Crick, discovered the structure of DNA — the coding of every cell.

Watson and Crick’s discovery was heralded the miracle of the time. Scientists became certain that cancer was caused by mutated genes. And cancer research turned, almost entirely, in this direction.

DNA Noble Prize

The DNA helix opened the door to understanding the role of genetics in disease.

For more than 60 years, Watson led the charge to find therapies that could fix cancer-causing gene mutations. Billions of dollars have been spent on this research.

Now, he admits… it has all been for nothing.

In Dr. Watson’s words… “We know the current approach is not working, because on the whole, it has made no dent in cancer mortality.” 3

This is mind blowing. The world’s top genetic scientist now says decades of searching for mutated genes have been “remarkably unhelpful.” 4

Yet I haven’t heard ONE word of this in mainstream media. Headlines I see still point to random gene mutations as the primary cause of most cancers.

Dr. Watson now says every cent of cancer funding should be used to study cancer’s Achilles’ heel.  In his words, “My own solution is to identify people who have ideas about drugs that will attack the uniqueness of the biochemistry of cancer cells.” 5

But the thing is… we already know the solution. And we’ve known about it for more than 90 years.

Physicians in nearly every country around the world use this solution. More than 45,000 physicians use Achilles’ heel therapies today in at least 50 countries. 6 But the FDA has tried to crush all of this since 1940.

That’s why you’ll rarely find doctors in the U.S. who are even aware of this solution — with the exception of a few, forward-thinking practitioners. Yet their results confirm everything I’ve seen…

Attacking cancer’s Achilles’ heel not only
cures cancer, it heals your immune system…
and ends nearly every disease.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of studies on the natural element that attacks cancer’s Achilles’ heel. And the results are clear…

Achilles’ heel treatments not only stop cancer in its tracks… they do the same with other chronic diseases.

Consider the story of a 70-year-old woman who visited Dr. Shelby Perman in February 2004. In addition to breast cancer, she was also suffering from diabetes, obesity and arthritis. Even worse, every conventional treatment had failed to control her cancer.

Dr. Perman began a course of treatments aimed at the cancer’s Achilles’ heel. Afterward, the patient continued to treat herself at home.

Several months later, her cancer had 100% disappeared!

As Dr. Perman recalls, “She called me [one] week to tell me she had gone for a mammogram and her breasts were completely clear. Nothing. No tumor masses at all. This is a woman whose doctors said they could not do anything for her, go home and die, and left her floating in the wind.”

Even better, her new blood work also showed no diabetes and an incredibly good blood count.

The thing is, when you attack cancer’s Achilles’ heel, you correct the conditions that caused the cancer in the first place. As a result, your entire body benefits.

This is why Achilles’ heel treatments are documented as helping or even healing patients who have:

  • Heart disease and strokes
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Schizophrenia and bipolar disease
  • Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
  • Epilepsy, migraines and nerve pain
  • Blindness
  • Hepatitis C and cirrhosis

You may be wondering how this is possible. How can attacking cancer’s Achilles’ heel do all this?

The key is the one natural element I mentioned earlier. Your body must have this element in every cell, to complete every single function. But for cancer cells, this element is deadly.

This natural element kills cancer cells while powering up your immune system. But it doesn’t stop there. It also helps every cell in your body to work the way nature intended. It restores balance — to help you get healthy AND stay healthy.

Doctors can use this cancer killer in a variety of ways… creating treatments that work best for you. Some are so simple; you can do them at home. Even better, most treatments are affordable. And you definitely don’t need health insurance.

Meanwhile, chemotherapy and radiation — the most common, modern go-to treatments — only kill cancer cells while destroying your immune system and even damaging healthy tissues.

So, You’re Probably Wondering — And Rightly So —
Why Haven’t You Heard of Treatments
That Attack Cancer’s Achilles’ Heel?

I think Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, a cardiologist and biologist from Johns Hopkins University, summed it up well when he said:

The main ‘drawbacks’ to [Achilles’ heel treatments] are its simplicity and its minimal cost.

The medical industry relies on therapies that are costly and require substantial expertise in their administration. Anything that comes along that appears clinically effective while remaining inexpensive is viewed skeptically, at best. The systematic and ongoing efforts at spreading disinformation and propaganda seem to know no bounds.”

I couldn’t have said it better.

Achilles’ heel treatments ARE simple. And we’ve known about cancer’s Achilles’ heel for decades. A brilliant biochemist discovered it in 1924. He even won the Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1931.

Yet this lifesaving information has been completely shoved aside — in spite of its Nobel Prize-winning status. The FDA began censoring treatments that attack cancer’s Achilles’ heel in the 1940s. And thanks to the influence of Big Pharma, they still censor them today.

Even worse… most modern medical text books don’t even mention this Achilles’ heel discovery. 7 So incredibly, most American doctors have never heard of it.

This is one reason why so few doctors use Achilles’ heel treatments in America. Not to mention that only 15 states allow MDs to use these therapies — thanks to freedom of health legislation. Doctors in the other 35 states take their chances, risking censure from their state licensing boards.

So even if you want these safe, lifesaving treatments, chances are… you won’t be able to get them in your state.

And don’t count on mainstream media to bring you information on this or any ‘out-of-the-box’ treatments. They do little investigation today. Instead, they rely on press releases from drug companies… not to mention $27 billion of Big Pharma’s advertising.

Yet in spite of all this… more than 12 million patients have been saved worldwide with Achilles’ heel treatments for cancer and other diseases.

Remember… chemotherapy and radiation kill almost all cancer cells, but do nothing else. They don’t change the conditions in your body that cause cancer to grow. This is why so many patients are declared “cancer free” only to see the killer return.

Yet millions have benefited from treatments that both kill cancer cells AND keep it from coming back.

In a few moments, I’ll tell you how you can get more information on these treatments for you and your loved ones. But first, I’d like to explain why Achilles’ heel treatments work so well to heal your body.

The One, Critical Nutrient That Attacks Cancer at Its Weakest Point Also Revitalizes Your Immune System…

The one element that attacks cancer’s Achilles heel is oxygen.

I know you may be skeptical. How could something so simple... so ordinary… make such a difference in your body?

But you see… oxygen is life. It’s so critical; nature programmed your body to take it in automatically with every breath. You don’t have to think about it.

Every cell in your body is designed to use oxygen. It’s the basic fuel for cell metabolism. Oxygen combines with vitamins, minerals, and hormones in your cells to release energy — energy that you need to stay healthy and enjoy life.                                                                                            

But today — thanks to pollution and other issues — you are not getting enough oxygen in the air you breathe. You’re exposed — every day — to toxins or heavy metals that stop your cells from using oxygen properly. And chances are… you’re missing vitamins or minerals that your cells also need to burn oxygen.

Just ONE of these factors means your cells will not use oxygen the way they should. Combine one or more, and that’s when everything slows down.  

Low oxygen levels affect every cell in your body, and ultimately, your health.

At first, you don’t notice it. You’re tired — but you write it off to being busy. You may be short of breath. Sometimes you forget things — like why you just walked into the room. Headaches become more common. Or you have aches and pains — with no real explanation why.

These are symptoms we usually brush off — or blame on “age”. But they are very real.

Over time, your cells become oxygen deprived. In some cells, your mitochondria — the cells’ energy factories — are damaged. When this happens, cells can literally begin to suffocate.

To keep going, some cells switch to using sugar instead of oxygen to create energy. If this goes on long enough, these cells begin to ferment like yeast. When this happens, cells stop working normally. They become ‘zombie’ cells — living to just eat and multiply.  

This is why oncologists use PET scans to find cancer in your body. When you get a PET scan, you drink radioactive glucose — which is actually radioactive sugar. As this glucose spreads through your body, sugar-loving cancer cells suck it up immediately. The conglomeration of radioactive glucose in the cancer cells lights up on the scan. And your doctor can immediately find the cancer.

But here’s the problem: When your cells have to use glucose instead of oxygen to make energy, they generate huge amounts of free radicals. These free radicals then damage the DNA both within the cell and in other cells. More and more gene mutations occur. And a chain reaction begins.

These cells have become cancerous. And the chain reaction that creates these cancerous cells is called the Warburg Effect.

This name honors the biochemist I mentioned earlier — Otto Warburg — the person who discovered the cause of all cancers in 1924.

Bottom line… we know the cause of cancer. And we’ve known how to kill it without poisoning your immune system, for more than 90 years. Yet, incredibly, most doctors have never heard of this. And even more incredible… our government is keeping this information from you.

Fortunately, there is hope in all of this…

The Good News Is… There Are Simple Ways You Can Get More Oxygen Into Your Body, Right Now.

With a few, easy steps, you can flood your cells with more oxygen. You can also help your cells to use oxygen more efficiently. By doing this, your cells create more energy. Everything in your body works better. Your immune system can destroy cancer and other disease. Your liver can remove toxins. Your brain can process thoughts and react faster.

More importantly… you feel better and more energetic.

I will show you how you can achieve this in my new e-book, The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer. And in just a few moments, I’ll tell you how you can get a copy — absolutely free.

You see, I want to get this e-book in your hands as soon as possible. As every day goes by, it’s becoming increasingly critical that you get this information.


Because chances are… you are NOT getting enough oxygen. In our modern world — with widespread air pollution in major cities and fewer plants to produce oxygen — we only have about 10% to 15% oxygen in our atmosphere. In cities, this can be even less.

Compare that to oxygen levels when dinosaurs walked the earth. Scientists estimate oxygen levels were as high as 35%. Today, you only get that in a ‘high-oxygen environment’ like an oxygen tent in a hospital!

And while oxygen levels have dropped, carbon dioxide levels are skyrocketing — and not just since 1900, as you can see in the chart below.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels have skyrocketed
since 1900

Cancer Mortality Rates

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at
its highest level in recorded history.

New evidence from ice core samples, published by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) show carbon dioxide — or CO2 levels — are far higher than anything our planet has experienced in over 650,000 years!

And here’s the big problem with CO2: It binds to hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Now hemoglobin should carry oxygen to your cells. But when CO2 binds to your hemoglobin, cells have less room to carry oxygen. So your cells become oxygen starved. This is why you should never start a car in a closed garage. Car exhaust is mostly CO2. And breathing too much CO2 will kill you.

Plain and simple, CO2 shuts down your oxygen delivery. It’s no wonder the world — and especially the United States — is facing growing rates of disease. Just look at the shocking rise in death rates from cancer since 1900 in the graph below.

Cancer Death Rates Have Soared Since 1900

Cancer Mortality Rates

This rise in cancer death rates looks almost identical to the graph showing the rise in carbon dioxide.

It’s easy to see why our ancestors were free of cancer and modern scourges like diabetes and heart disease. The oxygen they breathed protected them.

Dr. Ervin Laszlo, UN advisor and professor of systems science and evolution theory, agrees. As he says, “At the oxygen levels we have reached today, cancers and other degenerative diseases are likely to develop.”

Well, let me assure you… you don’t have to wait helplessly for cancer to strike you or someone you love. You CAN increase oxygen levels in your body. You can stop cancer and a host of other diseases. And you can do it easily, without spending a lot of money.

I give you all the details in my free e-book, The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer. You’ll find easy steps to get more oxygen into your body and your cells, right now. Here are just a few:

  • This increases oxygen delivery to your cells by as much as 2,000% in just minutes… And you can do it at home — on your schedule — without any special equipment or expensive treatments. Page 34.
  • This dangerous exercise actually causes your lungs to shrink… and slashes your oxygen intake. But millions do it because they’re told it’s “healthy.” Find out if you are slowly destroying your lungs — and your health on page 39.
  • An oxygen-boosting treatment so easy you can nap or watch TV while doing it… Even better, it kills cancer cells and heals a wide range of illnesses and injuries. Get the details on page 47.
  • Hate exercise but want the benefits? This trick gives you the advantage of increased lung capacity and more oxygen without doing one lick of exercise. Page 37
  • This surprising body part can actually ‘breathe’ in more oxygen than your lungs… if you take this simple nutrient. It’s amazingly easy. Page 31

And these are just some of the easy steps you’ll find to get more of the life-sustaining oxygen you need.

But let me warn you…

Many doctors and cancer researchers still believe that flooding cells with oxygen will help cancer cells to grow and spread. They are the reason that oxygen is used by ALL cells in your body for energy and growth. And that’s true… but only for NORMAL cells.

Cancer is NOT normal. Cancer cells either need very little oxygen or none at all. And several studies prove this. Contrary to what many doctors believe, exposing cancer to oxygen slows its growth. 8

The best thing you can do is to flood your body and cells with oxygen. Even better, you can also help your cells USE oxygen more effectively. And the payoff is enormous. You will…

Breathe New Life into Old Cells… Recharge Your Immune System… And Revive Your Energy

When your cells use oxygen to the fullest extent possible, you feel revitalized. Plus, your body gains a renewed ability to fight disease and cancer. Here are a few easy steps you’ll find in The 8th Element to rejuvenate every cell in your body:

  • This nutrient is so critical to helping your cells use oxygen… the researcher who discovered it won a Nobel Prize. What you must do now to ensure that you get enough. Page 20
  • Do you have this warning sign?  It’s so common, 1 out of every 3 American adults has it… and it’s a warning that your body is NOT using oxygen properly. Learn what it is and how to protect your health on page 24.
  • Scientists found this nutrient in interstellar stardust… and it’s critical to keeping your cells healthy. But the only way you can get it is through specific foods or supplements. How to ensure you get enough on page 25.
  • Want more energy? A little yellow flower boosts oxygen levels so well; studies show it increases learning ability as much as 61% while decreasing fatigue by one-third! See how to find and use this oxygen booster. Page 55
  • Two nutrients virtually guarantee more oxygen will get to your cells… They’re so effective; participants in one study were able to drop their heart rates both during and after exercise. Page 27
  • Can your cooking help your body use oxygen more effectively? Absolutely — when you use this spice. Page 33

These are just some of the ways to ensure your cells put oxygen to work in the best way possible. But I want to make sure you know about another therapy. This one is specifically for treating cancer. It’s used by doctors worldwide — but unbelievably — forbidden in most states here at home.

The Powerful Natural Healer the FDA Wants to Crush

I mentioned earlier that at least 45,000 physicians use a natural oxygen therapy to help cancer patients worldwide. With it, an estimated 12 million people have been healed of cancer and other diseases. And it’s safe, effective, and easy to use.

Yet fewer than 500 physicians offer this option in the U.S. 9

Why? Shouldn’t it be easy to access a natural therapy proven to kill cancer? Shouldn’t it be easy to heal without poisoning your body?

Not according to the FDA.

The FDA continues to claim this natural oxygen therapy “has not been clinically proven to cure or be effective in the treatment of cancer.” 10 And as recently as 2010, they seized medical devices used by doctors to administer this therapy, claiming the equipment was “potentially harmful to public health.” 11

And they do this in spite of more than 6,100 studies from institutions like Harvard, Yale, Duke, and Baylor… research that proves oxygen therapies not only stop cancer, but several other diseases as well.

Meanwhile, 1 out of every 10 cancer patients dies from FDA approved chemotherapy treatments every year. 12

This is outrageous! And it’s why I want to help you get ‘every side of the story’. Because this therapy could save your life or the life of someone you love.

In your free copy of The 8th Element, I’ll show you…

The 8th Element explores cancer and alternative treatments from EVERY angle. You will get the full picture — not just the mainstream treatments pushed by big drug companies. And it’s yours FREE.

  • How this supercharged oxygen provides a triple blow to cancer… while benefiting every healthy cell in your body. Page 44
  • Three easy and inexpensive ways you can revitalize your health… using this supercharged oxygen any day you want in the comfort of your home. Page 45

And if you or a loved one have cancer now, you’ll find this lifesaving information:

  • The sources you need to find a doctor in the U.S. who can help… Plus, the Achilles’ heel treatments used by doctors worldwide to treat cancer. Page 46
  • What you MUST do if you’re considering radiation treatments for cancer… Studies prove this therapy is the best way to reduce radiation’s dangerous side effects while killing cancer cells at the same time. Page 47

Quite simply, this information could save your life, or the life of someone you love. 

And if you’re wondering why your doctor doesn’t provide this information…

Most Doctors Are Wrong About Cancer
AND the Treatments For It

I realize this is a broad statement.

But most doctors were taught that mutated genes — or damage to your DNA — cause all cancers. However, there’s a problem with this theory. You often find damaged DNA in areas of chronic inflammation. Yet this does NOT always cause cancer. And scientists have proven… even having cancer cells in your body does NOT mean you will develop cancer as a disease.13

Something else is happening to make cancer deadly in your body.

That something is the lack of oxygen, the damage this does to your cells’ mitochondria, and then finally, to your DNA.

This is why Dr. Watson changed his opinion on the cause of cancer. And he did this after studying genetic mutations in a wide variety of cancers for more than 60 years.

It’s also why chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted therapies have been so unsuccessful. The goal of these treatments is to poison cancer cells enough to kill them, without killing YOU. But, not surprisingly, there are several problems with this:

  • These poisons weaken your immune system, just when you need it most.
  • They damage other fast-growing tissues, sometimes permanently.
  • They don’t change the conditions in your body that caused cancer in the first place.
  • Even worse, they can cause cancer cells to go dormant only to ‘reawaken’ after chemotherapy is finished.14
  • And an estimated 1 out of every 10 patients dies — not because of cancer — but due to chemotherapy treatments.

Yet the FDA continues to claim chemotherapy and radiation are the safe ways to treat cancer.

The Secret of the Incans…

maca root

The ancient Incans supplied their armies with this humble-looking root because it improved endurance, strength and stamina.

I discovered it when climbing in the Andes Mountains — from the local people who still use it today. And studies prove it improves oxygen transport in your body.

I’ll show you how to use it, and where to get it in your FREE copy of The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer.

The thing is, you don’t need toxic chemicals or burning radiation to kill cancer cells. You can STOP cancer while protecting your healthy cells from damage. Even better, you can revitalize your entire immune system at the same time.

In The 8th Element, I outline several, natural ways to do this:

  • This actually causes cancer cells to ‘commit suicide’… A recent study showed it to be so effective; researchers recommended its potential use as a widespread anti-cancer therapy. Find out what this nutrient is and how to get it on page 5.
  • It’s so powerful; it protects you from cancer AND aging… Even better, taking just a small amount increases your endurance for exercise or simply doing every day chores around the house. Page 32.
  • Fire up tired cells again! This nutrient actually reverses age damage in your cells while also carrying away toxic waste. Page 20
  • Nothing is better than getting two for the price of one, and you get it with this nutrient… In healthy cells, it protects you from free radicals. But in cancer, it triggers free radicals that kill cancerous cells. Page 31
  • Can one food increase cellular oxygen absorption by up to 40%? Yes! And it also turns off genes that cause inflammation. See how easily you can get this oxygen-boosting nutrient. Page 50.
  • Better than the little blue pill… This nutrient’s oxygen-boosting power is so powerful; it helps rebuild muscle AND improve sexual performance. Even better, it protects you from cancer and other diseases. Learn three easy ways to boost your levels of this remarkable cancer-fighter… and enjoy its other benefits, too. Page 53.
  • This common garden flower could be just what your brain needs… It boosts oxygen levels in your brain — increasing your memory and concentration, while providing you with a sense of calm. Page 56
  • This is BETTER than coffee for boosting energy… because it produces stable energy for long periods of time. How? By increasing your oxygen levels. The ancient Incas believed it was so powerful — they reserved it exclusively for royalty. Fortunately, it’s easy for you to get it today. Find out how on page 57.
  • Walk without pain! This nutrient improves circulation while boosting oxygen levels. It’s so effective; it helps patients with poor circulation walk without pain. Get details on this wonder herb on page 54.

The Power of Oxygen Therapies is Proven AND Lifesaving

Oxygen gives your body the power to heal — the way nature intended it. And using oxygen to heal is more than common sense: At least 6,100 studies worldwide also prove it works.

Add to this the dozens of experts with impeccable credentials who have publicly testified that oxygen heals virtually ALL diseases and ailments:

Like biologist Stephen A. Levin, Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley, who concludes that, “lack of oxygen in the tissues is the fundamental cause of all degenerative disease.”

“All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at a cellular level.”
Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, renowned author of the classic text, the Textbook on Medical Physiology

And Dr. Parris M. Kidd, an internationally recognized cell biologist, states, “We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease.”

And then there’s Dr. W. Spencer Way, who wrote in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians, The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established.”

I’d also like you to consider the discovery made by a cancer researcher from the University of South Florida. Dr. Dominic D’Agostino recently led a team studying mice with late-stage cancer. They found that mice treated with oxygen therapies lived 78% longer than the other test subjects.

The oxygen treatments stopped the spread of cancerous tumors — the main cause of death for cancer patients. Dr. D’Agostino told Science Daily:  

 “These therapies protect healthy tissues while simultaneously damaging cancer cells.”

This is only a small sample from experts with outstanding reputations and credentials. Yet the FDA and mainstream medical community will tell you these findings are unproven.

Keep in mind… it’s not that doctors don’t want you to get well. It’s just that they’ve been trained to believe cancer is caused by genes mutating FIRST, while damage to your cells’ ability to use oxygen is secondary.


The 8th Element gives you information you need to take charge, get healthy, and say healthy. And it’s yours FREE when you join me in Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World.

And this is just how the $1.2 trillion drug industry wants it. After all, drug companies can’t patent oxygen therapies. And since oxygen treatments are incredibly inexpensive, nobody can profit from them.

The grip of drug companies is strong. They encourage doctors to use chemotherapy and radiation. Their representatives sit on FDA committees. They fund cancer research without impartiality. And they flood doctors’ offices with drug promotions almost non-stop.

This is why your doctor may not be open to discussing oxygen therapies with you. But now… you have a friend and coach in your corner.

The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer gives you the whole story on cancer and why it has become a major threat to your health. More importantly, you’ll see how you can use oxygen to help you not only prevent cancer, but to heal if you or a loved one already has it.

At 62 pages, The 8th Element gives you information you won’t get from anywhere else. And it’s yours FREE, when you join me and my inner circle in my monthly newsletter, Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World, for one full year — for just $39.  

Keep reading and I will show you why Confidential Cures is for people just like you. People who are independent-minded… who want an unvarnished, in-depth look at disease and the little-known or suppressed cures that can heal you.

Every month, you’ll get the latest information on how these healing methods are transforming the lives of people who use them.

Because the thing is… using oxygen to heal your body is only the beginning.

There are countless powerful and all-natural cures from around the world that you should have access to…

After more than 20 years in medicine, I know one thing for sure: cures for modern diseases come from both cutting-edge medical research AND long-used, even ancient, remedies.


Amazon jungles, the Australian desert, the Antarctic Ocean — there is no where I won’t go if I think I can find something to help you.

This is why I travel to world-renowned medical centers. And why I scour studies to find breakthroughs that are barely mentioned by mainstream media — if at all.

It’s also why I travel the world… to villages in the remote Andes Mountains and the deepest jungles of Africa. I have been to places where heart disease doesn’t exist… where Alzheimer’s is unknown… and where no one is obese.

In fact, on my recent trip to Africa, I found an incredible number of healing secrets almost unknown in the West. Healers shared ancient, hidden remedies used to successfully treat breast and prostate cancers.

I was shocked and amazed to see photos of people half eaten up with cancer — and in the next picture, you can see they’ve been healed. A lesion on a woman’s breast was almost gone in just four days.

This is why I spend countless hours on the road. And why I burn the midnight oil combing through medical studies. I want to keep my patients healthy — as well as myself and my family. I want to live life to the fullest, and I want the same for you, too.

Until now, only my patients, staff, and closest friends have had unrestricted access to the discoveries I’ve made in my travels. And they were the only ones who could hear about the promising research I’ve uncovered from around the world.

But now, it’s your turn.

As a member of Confidential Cures, you’ll get every side of the story when it comes to the health issues we face today — and not just the views of big drug companies. More importantly, you’ll get proven natural remedies and treatments you’d never hear about otherwise.

Confidential Cures gives you information that you can use immediately to get healthy — and stay healthy.

Here is just a hint of what you’ll find every time you open an issue of Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World

New ways to overcome heart disease Heart disease is now the number one killer of American men AND women. Yet most doctors simply prescribe cholesterol-lowering drugs, in spite of their dangerous side effects. In Confidential Cures, you’ll get real solutions to keep your heart healthy — from natural supplements and diet… to simple exercise that doesn’t involve hours of boring cardio.

Effective ways to lose weight and keep it off — There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to lose weight that just won’t budge. Yet the so-called solutions many diet and fitness ‘gurus’ promote can actually cause you to store MORE fat. I’ll bring you revolutionary breakthroughs in both diet and exercise that can help you lose weight and keep it off — without starving yourself or spending hours in a gym.

Little-known methods to end chronic disease that’s “in your genes” — You may believe that diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer are genetic because they run in your family. But your genes are NOT your destiny. Incredibly, you can change how your genes are expressed. In Confidential Cures, you’ll get the latest information on this growing field of medicine.

New anti-aging technologies that restore youthful energy and more — It never ceases to amaze me, but modern medicine continues to ignore the most significant breakthrough in medical history. Not only have we discovered the cause of aging, we’ve also found ways to slow and even reverse it. And what’s really exciting… you can trigger your own “DNA regrowth” with easy steps that you can do every day, no matter where you are. You can actually “grow younger” as you age. Yet, most doctors completely ignore this information.

In Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World, I’ll bring you everything on this life-changing topic and its enormous potential to…

  • Reverse brain shrinkage and deterioration… to reduce memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease…
  • Rejuvenate aging hearts, improve circulation, and bring high blood pressure down to normal levels…
  • Fight all forms of cancer and reverse diabetes…
  • Strengthen your bones and stop osteoporosis in its tracks…
  • Eliminate migraines, headaches, and even depression…
  • Improve skin tone, reduce wrinkles, blemishes, and age spots…
  • Stop hair loss — and even restore your natural hair color…
  • End joint pain; improve flexibility, and so much more.

I realize all of this may seem “too good to be true.” However, countless studies prove everything I’ve just mentioned is within reach.

You probably won’t hear any of this from your doctor. And you won’t hear it from the media either. But with Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World… you get every breakthrough I uncover — first-hand — every month.

And you can join me and like-minded members for one full year — for only $39. Of course, the minute you join, you also get your FREE copy of my special e-book, The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer, valued at $29.95. At a total cost of just pennies a day, this life-saving information alone is an incredible value.

But I’d like to take this a step further.

Your BEST Value:
Get a Two-Year, Platinum Membership in Confidential Cures… Your Free Copy of The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer… PLUS, Exclusive Bonuses Valued at $778.70

A two-year, platinum membership in Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World costs just $77.

It begins with your first bonus, my 62-page e-book, The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer.

But you’ll get much, much more. Your welcome email will include five more bonus e-Reports to keep you on the road to health in every area of your life:

The Cholesterol  Fraud

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The Cholesterol Fraud
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Modern medicine has declared war on heart disease.

But this war is harming more Americans than it helps. Discover easy steps you can take to prevent heart disease while avoiding the deadly effects of this “war on cholesterol.”

Live  Pain Free TODAY!

Platinum Bonus #2:
Live Pain Free TODAY!
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You don’t need to live another minute with aching joints and muscles.

In this e-Report, I show you natural ways to immediately relieve pain.

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Your  6-Week Anti-Aging Plan

Platinum Bonus #3:
Your 6-Week Anti-Aging Plan
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It IS possible to reset your biological clock to look and feel your best.

This e-Report gives you a complete plan to ‘turn back time’, so you have the energy and stamina to live life the way you want to!

The Cholesterol  Fraud

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The lack of oxygen, along with increased pollution and toxins in our environment are waging an all-out assault on your brain — and increasing your chances of Alzheimer’s disease.

Fortunately, in this e-Report, you’ll find easy ways to keep your brain young and healthy.

The Cholesterol  Fraud

Platinum Bonus #5:
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If you’re struggling to lose weight, than this report is for you. You’ll get access to my personal program for getting lean fast, which until now, was available only if you visited my clinic.

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The Cholesterol  Fraud

PLUS — Your Extra Platinum Bonus:
Health Confidential
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In this 518-page e-book, I reveal the dangers of modern food production, the rise of Big Pharma and western medicine, and the profit-driven models that sacrifice your health and well-being.

More importantly, I give you steps and advice to protect your health — for everything from preventing osteoporosis to lowering high blood pressure without beta blockers and ACE inhibitors.

All together, these six bonuses plus your copy of the 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer adds up to a $219.95 value! And they’re yours FREE when you join Confidential Cures as a Platinum Member. But that’s not all…

You get access — in the comfort of your home —
to the international conference that shook
the alternative health community.

In 2015, I gathered 13 world-renowned experts at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate for an international conference on the newest anti-aging science and medicine. We covered a wide-range of topics, including…

  • How to reverse your biological age;
  • New hope for debilitating joint pain;
  • How to end neck and back pain forever;
  • Put the spark back in your relationship and defeat stress once and for all;
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These experts revealed little-known cures and simple steps you can take right now to stay healthy. The rest of the world won’t hear about most of this for another 20 years. But, fortunately, YOU will. Because as a Platinum Confidential Cures member, you can watch the entire conference, right on your personal computer, in the comfort of your own home.

Access to this exclusive conference normally costs $99. But you will receive a link that allows immediate, never-ending access to this life-changing presentation — COMPLETELY FREE.

And one more thing…

This conference was so successful; requests continue to pour in — asking me to hold the event again. So, my team is planning another event, which will likely be held next year. And as a Platinum Member, you’ll also receive a…

FREE Invitation to My Next Anti-Aging Summit —
a $500 Value

"Dr. Al Sears gave the most usable, science-based, immediately applicable information… hands down! That's why I gave him a 6 (out of 5) rating at his closing talk. [He] is simply fantastic in his sincerity, zeal for improvement and knowledge!"   — Gunn Sikk

"This was a fabulous conference in all ways. The quality of the speakers was first-class, as well as the content. The reflection of Dr. Sears' soul was impressive — giving, committed, and a part of a forward-looking community."
— Lynn S. Bachrach

You’ll get a front-row seat to see the next conference in person. You can mingle with the experts to ask questions. Or share ideas with other like-minded individuals who are also forward-thinking about their health.

It will be an event to remember. And you can attend FREE as a Platinum Confidential Cures member.

Add up all of these bonuses — plus your free copy of The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer — and your total value of almost $820! But you’ll pay only $77 — AND you get two full years of membership in Confidential Cures.

That amounts to just $3.21 a month. You can barely buy lunch for this amount — let alone get access to health information that could change your life.

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I stand behind everything I do. So, Confidential Cures is backed by my personal money-back guarantee, no ifs, ands, or buts about it…

Now, if you’re wondering why I’m making such a generous offer, here’s my answer:

I Never Want You to Question…
“What If I Could Have Done More?”

Hearing that you have cancer… watching someone you love experience a heart attack… getting a diagnosis of diabetes… these are moments I never want you to face.

And I never want you to wonder if you could have done more to prevent it. No one should ever have to go through this.

This is why I write books like The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer. And why I offer my monthly newsletter, Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World.  

I want to share the latest medical discoveries along with the ancient remedies I find on my travels. I want you to have the information you need to stop cancer — and every life-altering disease. And then to stay healthy so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

Cancer and disease do NOT have to happen. They are not inevitable. And getting sick is not a ‘natural’ part of aging.

You CAN live a long and healthy life. With simple steps, you can help your body heal and repair damaged tissues. You can change the conditions that cause cancer. And you can restore your natural energy to feel younger… revitalized… and healthy.

Don’t wait until you — or someone you love — gets sick.

I urge you to share in my latest Confidential Cures discoveries, and to take advantage of the dramatic revelations and breakthroughs you’ll find in your FREE copy of The 8th Element: Nature’s Universal Cancer Killer.

Take a minute, right now, and choose your offer:

Get the Best Value Platinum 2-year Confidential Cures subscription for $77 with all the free bonuses.

Or click here for a 1-year Confidential Cures subscription for $39 with The 8th Element free e-book.

You have absolutely no risk. And the more knowledge you have… the more power you have to keep everyone you love healthy — including yourself.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

P.S. — Even if you don’t have cancer yourself, or know someone who does, these proven techniques can easily ensure you and your family NEVER get cancer to begin with. And if cancer is in the early stages (which may not show up during a cancer screening), these little-known treatments can help wipe out cancer cells BEFORE they take hold and overwhelm your body. Join Confidential Cures today!


1. Bukhtoyarov, O.V., Samarin, D.M. “Pathogenesis of Cancer: Cancer Reparative Trap.” Journal of Cancer Therapy. 2015.
2. Smith-Vikos, T. “A Report of the James Watson Lecture at Yale University.” Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 2012.
3. Wagstaff A. “Jim Watson: DNA revealed the causes, it may never reveal a cure.” Cancer World. 2013.
4. Apple S. “An Old Idea, Revived: Starve Cancer to Death.” The New York Times Magazine. May 12, 2016.
5.  Wagstaff A. “Jim Watson: DNA revealed the causes, it may never reveal a cure.” Cancer World. 2013.
6. Ansorge R. “Ozone Therapy: Hope for Chronic Illnesses.” Newsmax Health. 20 Mar 2015.
7. Apple S. “An Old Idea, Revived: Starve Cancer to Death.” The New York Times Magazine. May 12, 2016.
8. Moen, I.  Stuhr, L.E.B. “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer — a review.” Targeted Oncology. 2012 Dec.
9. “Medical Ozone Organizations by Country.” Drs. Ozone.  Accessed 10/08/2016.
10. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Don't Be Misled.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration Consumer Update. 08/22/2013.
11. “United States Seizes Unapproved Ozone Generators.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration Press Release. 01/29/2010.
12. O’Brien, M., Borthwick, A., Rigg, A., Leary, A., Assersohn, L., Last, K., Tan, S., Milan, S., Tait, D., Smith, E. “Mortality within 30 days of chemotherapy: a clinical governance benchmarking issue for oncology patients.” British Journal of Cancer. 2006.
13. Bukhtoyarov, O.V., Samarin, D.M. “Pathogenesis of Cancer: Cancer Reparative Trap.” Journal of Cancer Therapy. 2015.
14. Bukhtoyarov, O.V., Samarin, D.M. “Pathogenesis of Cancer: Cancer Reparative Trap.” Journal of Cancer Therapy. 2015.


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